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Feast your eyes on this update!

We’re racing to the end of the year, but there’s still a whole lot going on! This weekend is another two-fer with me at the Merry Mahone Bay Market and the first of the season’s Bridgewater Holiday Markets. A whole weekend of slinging strange fiction.

Merry Mahone Bay Market is Saturday from 10 – 3, November 25th, at the Mahone Bay Center. I’m pretty excited for that one because it’s my first time bringing my books and cards to Mahone Bay. That means new people! Which is awesome. Here’s a facebook link to the event for anyone who wants it.

Sunday November 26 and December 3 I’ll be at the Bridgewater Holiday Market from 10-2, in the ol’ hockey arena on Empire St.

On December 7 I’ll be headed to the Dartspeak Open Mike at the Dart Gallery 7-9. I’m tempted to read my holiday Story Card, Flight of the Kalikantzaros, but I’m pretty sure I read that one last year. I don’t want to do a repeat. Maybe I’ll go with Bus. Stop. instead.

December 9 I’m headed down to the Ycon Collectors Market. Another trip to Yarmouth! Huzzah! That one’s going to be similar to Collector Con, with lots of vintage toys and cool stuff to buy.

December 10 is another Bridgewater Holiday Market, last time to catch me there before spring.

Then comes the grand finale of my 2023!

December 15,16,17 Jill and I are hosting the WORDS, WOMEN, and WAVES Expo at the Lunenburg Art Gallery!

It’s going to send the year off with a bang! Jill’s working a big amazing painting and I’ve written a story called ‘To Face a New Morning’ based on the image. It’s a heartfelt story about making hard decisions in one of my signature strange settings; an ocean far, far away. I’ll be doing multiple live readings daily. I’ll be typing up the story by hand on my vintage typewriter, Maxene, and that original copy will go with the original painting. Copies of the hand-typed story will be included with the prints. There will also be interesting demonstrations of Judy Cooper’s fabric art techniques, and a portion of all sales proceeds for the event are going to a charity that helps out women in need. It’s going to be a wonderful weekend!

I’ve been spending any time I’m not at markets, pecking away at the serial novella I’ll be releasing in my monthly mailer, ‘Patchworld Nova‘. It’s a Nova Scotia centered science fiction pulp extravaganza. I’ve completed 3 of 12 chapters, have made it over all the “get to know the characters and setting” phase of things, and am about to kick off the roller-coaster journey that comprises the majority of the story. It’s turning out to be a lot of fun to write. There’s a lot of room for creativity in the strange aliens and other-worldly geography. I’m really enjoying this one. It’s going to be exclusive to my mailer, and Chapter 1 drops in January. If you haven’t signed up yet, here’s the link.

I’m planning on going into my annual write-bernation from January – March. I’m going to be focused on extending and doubling the word count on my fantasy story ‘The Mudfisher’s Catch’, so that I can turn it into a pocket book. I always felt that I ended it too abruptly to meet my monthly patreon deadline. Time to fix that. Shouldn’t take long.

After that my focus is spending the winter working on ‘Shunt’, my dystopian horror novel. It’s 100% outlined and ready to roll. It’s not a tremendously long book, perhaps 60k, so I should be able to have the draft done before I fire up the market season again next year. It really is a disturbing story. Very Black Mirror with a dash of Soylent Green and a big ladle of Jude Weirdness. It grosses me out, so, prepare yourselves.

There you have it. Just about everything I’m allowed to talk about. Got some secret good news, but everyone has to wait on that. Sorry. Too soon to spill. I hope everyone takes it easy and has a good lead-up to the holidays. As always, thanks for your support. I couldn’t be on this strange trip into imagination without you!

See you on the flipside!


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I’ve been adding to my online shop lately. If you want a Story Card or Signed Book in the mail, you can find them here: 

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1. Sign up and become a patron: 

2. Buy my books. For yourself or to give to the unsuspecting.

3. Rate and review my books on Amazon or Goodreads. This one is HUGE and wildly appreciated.

4. Comment on my social media posts. Likes and shares are good too, but they do less for the algorithm. Comments are king.

5. Feed me tacos and tequila.

I’m not sure how much that last one helps with marketing, but I know I appreciate it!