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ll keep this short because I’m busy as heck, but I’ve got big news!

My next book has a release date and I’ve secured a venue for a launch party! August 19th, 7pm-11pm at the Dart Gallery in Dartmouth! Get ready for the launch of…

This collection is so damn good. It’s a trip into my favorite kinds of strange stories. All these odd trips take you to impossible worlds of weird imagination. I’m editing/formatting. I’ll have Advance Reader Copies for anyone interested in June. But save that August 19th date. The Dart Gallery is a fantastic venue, with a full bar, and cool atmosphere. It’s gonna be good times!

Speaking of good times, I’ve got Y-con coming up in just over a week! I’m super excited for that. New town, new sci-fi/fantasy folk, three days! Loads of fun!

As far as my other market days, I’ll be at the Bridgewater Market on May 27th, June 10th, and June 24th. I’ll be hitting up Alderny Landing Market in Dartmouth on June 17th. You know where to find me!

Patrons can expect the title track of the upcoming collection, Mirror Bones, as their June content. I’m still fiddling and editing and it will likely be mid-to-late month. I’m really enjoying fine-tuning this one and, even with a launch date set, I’ve got several weeks to get it just right.

Also, if you didn’t see. I’ve finally got a store setup online! I’ll be adding more story cards, one at a time, as I get to them. I also plan to eventually have signed book copies available through it. That might be a bit though. I’m considering playing with who does my hard copy fulfilment. I’ll have it sorted by the fall, for sure. If you want to check out the shop, I’ve got a boring link for it. I know, not exciting, but there it is. Functional, that’s what matters.

Jude Mire’s Ko-Fi Shop

I said I was going to keep this short and sweet so, there you have it. I hope to see you all at the launch in August and out and about between now and then! Thanks always to my amazing patrons! You folk are the finest. Like, super fine.
