June was a great month! It started out with bang as a result of my fantastic trip to Y-Con! I got to meet so many fun new people and had a grand ol’ time! Big thanks to my hospitable and gracious author friend, Julian Smith, who put me up for the weekend. I sold lots of books, story cards, and wrote a ton of fun Snippets! Will absolutely be returning next year!

The rest of the month has been filled with writing, rewrites, edits, and weekends selling books at markets. I’m happy to say that all of the actual content of Mirror Bones and Other Impossible Tales is completely done! All that’s left is formatting for Advance Ebooks, Final Print Books, and Final Ebooks. Formatting, while sometimes tedious, is a pretty straightforward process. It’ll take about a week. After that, I can pre-release the ebook, order copies for sale, and wait for the Launch Party! Speaking of which, here’s everything you need to know for the event. You should come by if you can wrangle it. It’s going to be a good time!

As far as my July schedule goes, I’ll be at the Bridgewater Market for the first two weeks, the 1st and the 8th.

July 15th I’ll be doing my second Collector Con of the year. Had a good time with all the vintage goodies a few months ago. Glad to be going again! So much cool stuff there. I fall into the “so much more” category!

I usually try to do my monthly Alderny Landing Market in the exact middle of the month, but since Collector Con is filling that slot, I’ll be slightly later this time around. July 22nd from 8-1 for Alderny.

In my ongoing attempt to build a group of local, Nova Scotia authors, I’m planning on meeting with local genre writers at the Celtic Corner Public House from 2-5. Anyone who writes genre fiction (sci-fi, fantasy, horror, romance, mystery, or other strange stories) is welcome to join us! Email me or message if you want specifics or have questions: judemireauthor@gmail.com

I’ll be ending July like I started June; with a bang! I’ll be at Geekorium for the weekend of the 29th and 30th! I’ll be slingin’ Snippets, selling books, and taking in all the glorious cosplayers. Gonna be great.

As far as this month’s Patreon content goes, Patrons can expect the middle 25 pages of Mirror Bones to drop in the middle of the month. If I time it right, the final part will land next month, just in time to coincide with the book launch! It’s a pretty great story. I hope everyone enjoys it.

That’s it. I’ve got no more news. Busy busy. With summer in full swing, I imagine everyone else is busy too. Thanks for taking the time to read this! And, as always, thanks for all the support! Being an indy author isn’t possible without an audience. You’re amazing and appreciated.

See you next month!


All my books, social media, and other fun stuff all in one handy link at:

I’ve been adding to my online shop lately. If you want a Story Card or Signed Book in the mail, you can find them here:

If you want to help with putting strange stories into the world, the best ways of supporting my writing are to…

1. Sign up and become a patron: https://www.patreon.com/judemire 

2. Buy my books.

3. Rate and review my books on Amazon or Goodreads.

4. Comment on my social media posts. Likes and shares are good too, but they do less for the algorithm. Comments are king.

5. Feed me tacos and tequila.

I’m not sure how much that last one helps with marketing, but I know I appreciate it!