“Hey, Piko, if you see Toenail, take care of him, okay?”
“Why should I do that? He’s your dog.”
She shook her head. “No, Piko. He’s his own dog. But he might need someone to keep an eye on him.”

Hi, I’m Jude Mire, an author from big ‘ol Chicago who moved to a tiny town by the ocean in Nova Scotia! I love writing horror, science fiction, fantasy, and weird fiction. I’ve written an awesome super-hero series for Griot Enterprises, have been published in several online magazines, was a two time DeathScribe Radio Play finalist, and ran a live horror reading series called Cult Fiction in a swanky bar. Spooky!
Across genres, my work has an emphasis on exploring the atypical, expanding diversity, and creating relevant visions. If those are ideas you can get behind then, by all means, please become a Patron!